Top 10 R@H Posts for 2015

Before we lose sight of 2015, we’d like to reflect back on our first full year of blogging.
So without further ado, here are the top 10 R@H posts for 2015:
1. How to Define the Best Conference App
Our most popular post for 2015 features a chart comparison of our event app to some of our competitors. We provide details on each of the listed features to explain how we compete in this space. Check it out find out why we (humbly) consider ourselves the best conference app out there!
2. 12 Tips to Increase Event App Adoption
It’s no surprise our second top post is related to event app tips. More specifically, tips for increasing event app downloads. Filled with strategies specific to four types of attendees, this post has everything you need to boost app adoption.
3. Is Your Organization Mobile App Ready?
2015 was the year of mobile. Many planners and associations took the leap of faith toward purchasing an app. This is great, but many found themselves asking, “Do I need this?” Take our Mobile App Readiness Assessment and get a personal score to determine how ready your organization is for mobile.
4. 17 Stats for the Mobile Skeptic [Infographic]
Along the idea of the mobile boom in 2015, Mobilegeddon was a rather large event during 2015. For those who didn’t believe in the hype, we created our first ever infographic to share a number of stats that prove mobile is here and it’s here to stay.
5. Best Practices for Event Email Marketing
Whether you’re promoting an event or an app, email is a channel worth investing in. It’s cost effective, has a large reach, and is perfect for tailoring messages. See the many ways you can utilize email to promote your events and mobile app companions.
6. 5 Event App Tips to Boost Engagement After Your Events
Our #2 post was about event app adoption, but what happens to your event app after the event is over? Boosting post-event engagement is something almost everyone struggles with. Read these 5 tips to keep your attendees coming back for more.
7. Twitter for #Eventprofs
Another popular trend in 2015 was the growth of social media. We created this post in reference to an EventMB infographic and added our own mobile app tips. Check out the post and see how you can use Twitter for your events.
8. 5 Steps to Successfully Launch an Event App [Infographic]
This was our first year releasing infographics so it’s great to see both of them appear on our top posts for the year. Focusing on launching an event app, this infographic is in a checklist format for users to reference when planning their event app launch. Download, print, and start planning your app strategies for 2016!
9. R@H Mobile App Sponsorship Guide
A common barrier to mobile apps for associations and events is cost. Most technologies come with a higher price tag, but with the right tools in place, you can make up your investment and then some. That’s where sponsorship comes into play. Download our free guide and see how our apps can provide your sponsors the exposure they want while earning you the revenue you need.
10. Event Apps (as we know them) are Dead
Our last post on the list relates to the evolving event app. Rather than investing in a one-time event app, many planners are finding themselves wanting a year-round engagement app solution. Read the post to find out how attendee’s expectations have changed and what types of app features can meet these new needs.
A huge thanks to our readers and we look forward to continuing the Results@Hand blog throughout 2016!
Have a favorite post you don’t see on the list? Have recommendations for content in 2016? Leave it in our new and improved comments section and I’ll be sure to reply.