How Can R@H Onsite Badge Printing Elevate Your Event?
How It Works

Why smart badges with us?
- Great badges increase engagement
- Customization--creativity counts
- Saves resources and time
- Forges lasting connections between exhibitors and attendees
- Bundled pricing.
- Smooth integration with our event management software!
Price starting at $1000

Tap on a badge item to explore the key elements and details for a great badge! The possibilities are endless!

Dietary Restrictions
Add food allergies or other dietary restrictions
Insert a description of your schedule or an image of it!
Emergency Contact Details
Insert first and last name of emergency contact with phone number
Add your ticket information
Add sponsor information and logo
Attendee Name
Add your first and last name here!
Event Logo
Include the event logo in this area, ensuring that its size is easy to read!
Extra Info: Game Code
Consider adding extra and fun information about yourself for a great conversation starter!
Ex: Favorite movie, alma mater etc.
Attendee Role
Add your role to the event!
Participants QR Code
Use QR code(s) to track attendance, credits and additional information!
Title, Company & Location
Provide details of your company/organization such as name, your role and location.
Speaker Session Name
Title of speaker's session.
Connection Code
Make in app connections with a code
- "What's in a name...badge?" Article