Tag: exhibitors
Enhance your Event with a Photo Contest

See how networking was made easy with an in-app photo contest game for event goers at the 2016 GSAE Annual Meeting.
R@H Update: Map Dynamics Integration

For the first time, our apps have successfully integrated to third party software. Read our post to learn more and see what it means for 2016.
R@H Mobile App Sponsorship Guide

To help explain the many ways our mobile event apps can provide value to sponsors, we’ve created a new sponsorship guide. Read the post for details and to download the guide for free now!
Event Sponsorship: Connecting Organizers with Exhibitors

A recent blog post by Associations Now explored the expectations of event organizers and exhibitors regarding event sponsorship. With a similarity in results, this publication highlights 3 key takeaways for associations to consider. With these in mind, we took it a step further and looked into how having a multi-event app could benefit sponsors
New R@H Feature: Exhibit Hall Pop-Up

We’ve been listening to recent feedback from our customers on ways to improve our mobile app. We value any and all feedback from our users, but one comment we paid particular attention to was regarding our exhibit hall map. Read more to learn about our latest update to this feature.
More Sponsorship Opportunities with Results@Hand

Conference apps give suppliers/exhibitors around the clock exposure to their target audience during the entire conference. As an event organizer or host, if you are looking for new sponsorship revenue options, or a way to enhance your current event sponsor packages, or even a new unique exposure option for exhibitors — a conference mobile app, like ConferenceBeat, makes different sponsorship opportunities a reality for your organization.