R@H Update: Map Dynamics Integration

We know how important it is to have flexible software for our users.
That’s why we have been working to allow our apps to integrate to other software solutions.
And for the GSAE 2015 Tradeshow and Luncheon, we did just that.
Map Dynamics Meets Results@Hand
For the GSAE tradeshow, we integrated our app to Map Dynamics.
This is just a fancy way of saying the GSAE app we provided for the tradeshow also supported the interactive exhibit hall map provided by Map Dynamics.
For the GSAE staff, this meant there were fewer areas to manage their tradeshow data. There was only one exhibit hall map the staff needed to create for both software providers. Updates to the exhibitor profiles made in Map Dynamics appeared in the GSAE app. And so on.
Open software doesn’t just benefit organizers though. With software integration, users can access multiple software solutions from a single platform.
At the GSAE tradeshow for example, event participants have the GSAE app as their single platform. In the app, they can access all the information they need for their conference.
But with integration in place, users can also access the Map Dynamics map directly through the app.
Just tap the ExpoRep icon and the app automatically takes you to the interactive exhibit hall map.
In Apple and Android native apps, the exhibit hall map opens in a child browser, giving users full functionality of the interactive map. Want to go back to the conference info on the app? Simply close out of the child browser to return to the GSAE app.
As we move closer to 2016, our apps will continue to integrate with other tech solutions. These include systems for event registration, membership management, and more. So be sure to watch this space for any updates!
Have a suggestion for our next integration? Tell us what software you would like our apps to integrate to and why in the comments below.